Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - healing plant

Jistě jste už slyšeli o Aloe Vera a jejích léčivých vlastnostech. Již Kryštof Kolumbus ji bral na palubu svých lodí k léčbě zranění svých žoldnéřů. Jak tedy tato rostlina vypadá a k čemu ji lze použít? Původ Aloe Vera (v překladu: pravé aloe) není znám. Rostlina se rozšířila po celém světě díky mořeplavcům a objevitelům. Proto ji dnes najdete na mnoha místech, například v jižním Středomoří, Asii, Indii, Jižní Americe i v Africe. Rostlina Aloe Vera má 320 sester Aloe, ale pouze "Aloe barbadensis" je obzvláště vhodná pro léčebné účely. Aloe Vera je také nazývána "rostlinou na popáleniny", protože dokáže vzdorovat extrémně horkému klimatu bez deště po celé měsíce. Původ Aloe Vera (v překladu: pravé aloe) není znám. Rostlina se rozšířila po celém světě díky mořeplavcům a objevitelům. Proto ji dnes najdete na mnoha místech, například v jižním Středomoří, Asii, Indii, Jižní Americe i v Africe. Rostlina Aloe Vera má 320 sester Aloe, ale pouze "Aloe barbadensis" je obzvláště vhodná pro léčebné účely. Aloe Vera je také nazývána "rostlinou na popáleniny", protože dokáže vzdorovat extrémně horkému klimatu bez deště po celé měsíce. Původ Aloe Vera (v překladu: pravé aloe) není znám. Rostlina se rozšířila po celém světě díky mořeplavcům a objevitelům. Proto ji dnes najdete na mnoha místech, například v jižním Středomoří, Asii, Indii, Jižní Americe i v Africe. Rostlina Aloe Vera má 320 sester Aloe, ale pouze "Aloe barbadensis" je obzvláště vhodná pro léčebné účely. Aloe Vera je také nazývána "rostlinou na popáleniny", protože dokáže vzdorovat extrémně horkému klimatu bez deště po celé měsíce.

Looks & ingredients

Although the plant looks like a kind of cactus, it belongs to the group of Affodill plants (Asphodelaceae) and is not related to cactuses.

Aloe Vera plants build a tight group of foothills. The green leaves – which can grow up to 50 centimetres in length – are rosette-like and arranged around the tribe. The leaves have a smooth surface and a toothed leaf margin. In its blossom time the plant sprouts a 60 to 90 centimetres blossom with yellow to red racemes.

In the leaves approximately 220 active inter alia were found, like vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and polysaccharides. Polysaccharides include among others Acemannan which helps to strengthen the immune system. This substance is also produced by the human body until puberty starts.

Aloe Vera is a good healing plant

Aloe Vera at home

You can get Aloe Vera plants in garden centres and DIY markets – so you can cultivate them in a pot at home. This way, you always have a natural cure. Everything an Aloe Vera needs is sandy, water-permeable soil. The desert plant does not get along well with waterlogging. Besides it prefers a sunny to half-shaded place.

If the plant has at least 12 leaves and if they are big enough, you can cut off one of the lower leaves. Let the remaining leaves grow. After a new leave has grown, you can again use another lower leaf. So in three months you get about four leaves. This way, an Aloe Vera plant can become up to 10 years old.


Curing effects

Clinical studies showed an efficacy of the gel in inflammatory skin diseases, wounds, burns, sun burns, frostbites as well as acne, psoriasis, eczema and insect bites. The intake of the plant for strengthening the immune system and other betterments is not proven yet. Before using the plants gel you should speak to a doctor as not everyone tolerates it.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the fresh gel of an Aloe Vera plant is better than processed products such as cosmetic creams and the like. Ingredients of the creams may affect the active agents of the Aloe Vera plant. But if you still prefer to buy products with Aloe Vera, you should always make sure that it shows a BIO seal or IASC (International Aloe Science Council). These guarantee controlled commodities and processing.


Aloe Vera is a good healing plant

How to proceed?

When you have cut off a leaf, wait till the yellow juice has completely run out. This liquid is resin which includes the strongly irritating active agent ‘Aloin’ which acts purgative and is slightly toxic!

After the yellow juice leaked out completely, you can cut off an adequate piece of the leaf. Put the remaining leaf in a plastic bag and stow it in your fridge. There, it can be kept for a few days.

For external use

Slice up your piece of leaf. The then visible gel can be applied on the affected place of your skin. It feels cooling and mitigating.

For internal use

As said above – it is indispensable to talk to your doctor before using Aloe Vera as ingestion. If you got his OK, loosen the gel carefully with the help of a knife point. You can either eat it directly or mix it with some food. Do not heat it up because the healing ingredients will be destroyed.

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